It's Time To Connect the Payroll Community
Payroll has so long been taken for a back-office function, but it is so much more. The Payroll profession has been starved of valuable knowledge for so long that we thought it was time to bring everyone together.
The Middle East Payroll Professionals Community (or MEPP's as we like to call it) is for like-minded payroll professionals to share their knowledge, have their questions answered, and help each other improve the standard and profile of payroll in The Middle East.
Community Benefits
We feel the benefits of a community are obvious, but we will break it down nonetheless, just to spell out how impressive it is.
Other professionals, from Payroll specialists to HR managers to C-level Financial and HR leaders, all in one place. Just ask.
The Community addresses best practices in real time, helps with troubleshooting and solving problems. It is mentoring going digital.
You up your professional game immediately.
You Learn, Connect, Grow.
We provide a payroll training platform to hone in on your payroll expertise.
How do I join the community?
The community is free to join. Just click register.
Who is the community for?
The Community is open to anyone in the Middle East with an interest in payroll: office managers; accountants; payroll professionals; and HR professionals.
What do I get?
There are a plethora of things that you get with the community, from networking opportunities, discussions on hot payroll topics, updates on labour law changes, a monthly community event, and so much more!